jueves, 16 DE mayo DE 2024
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Pico y Placa
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This company, a pioneer in the reproduction of pre-Hispanic ceramic art, was born from the concern of the Colombian archaeologist Amparo Adames, dedicated for more than fifteen years to the investigation of archaeological ceramic collections belonging to private collectors and different museums in the country. It was proposed to revive that art that had always been admired through museum showcases and make it part of our daily life, recovering exotic forms and unknown decorative motifs, created for more than four thousand years by wise potters.

The pieces that today make up an extensive collection, faithfully reproduced from their originals, today continue to be made with the techniques used by ancient potters, with precision and mastery, and with the same clays and mineral slips collected from the natural veins that surround the territory. that they inhabited, to preserve in each one of them the imprint that time left after having been torn from their sacred habitat.



Race 5 #16-43



Horarios de atención:


Faces, customs, usages and symbols that are stories, is what we can share today through contact with these magical objects used by men, women and children who were forever portrayed in clay figurines that perpetuate those wonderful people.

These exotic objects rescued from the past, today occupy a place of honor as protagonists in the decoration of various environments, integrating with spectacular effect all spaces.

Carrera 5 # 16-43 (next to the Gold Museum parking lot).

Tel. 2439628

Email: lacasonadelmuseo@yahoo.com


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