miércoles, 15 DE mayo DE 2024
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Amira de la Rosa Theater (Carrera 54 with Calle 52)

The epicenter of Barranquilla's cultural activity, it is located on the border between the El Prado neighborhood and the Abajo del Río neighborhood. In its modern enclosure plays, painting exhibitions, musical shows and events of all kinds are presented throughout the year. The stage curtain of the theatre, 17 mts. Wide by 8 high, it was painted by Alejandro Obregón, depicting the legend of the alligator man with vibrant colors.

Romantic Museum (Carrera 54 with Calle 59)

An old republican-style mansion donated by Carmen Freud, daughter of Julios Freud, a German-American Jew who arrived in Barranquilla. There they are kept as a memory of hobbies, objects from the history of the city. There they are, as a testimony of an era, the costumes of the carnival queen, a replica of the old street called Camellón Abelló, Alfonso Fue Mayor's typewriter on which Nobel Prize winner Gabriel García Márquez wrote his novel La Hojarasca, some letters from the liberator Simón Bolívar, photographs, records and collections of old newspapers.



(77th Street Carrera 68) Barranquilla



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Barranquilla Zoo (Street 77 Carrera 68)

Under the shade of leafy trees, the visitor travels through the habitats of animals from all over the world and especially from the Colombian Caribbean. There are 550 animals of 140 species, some of them in danger of extinction; like the eagle, the condor, the flamingos, the manatee and the spectacled bear; as well as macaws, lions, chimpanzees, reptiles, bats and the white-headed monkey marmoset, a species that is only found in Colombia in the white forests of the department of Atlántico.

It has a Farm for children to have direct contact with animals and a recreation park.

Old Customs building (Vía 40 with Calle 39)

Built in 1919 by the English architect Leslie Arbouin, the Customs building represents the importance of importing and exporting through the local port. It was restored, completing the work in 1994. From its opening, a new use was given to its facilities. The Pilot Library of the Caribbean, the Historical Archive of the Atlantic, the Museum of Modern Art, the Hans Federico Neumann Music Documentation Center and the administrative offices of important entities of the city are located there.

Montoya station.

It is located next to the Customs building. It is a beautiful building built at the end of the 19th century by the Barranquillera Ralway and Pier Co., which was used at that time as a terminal for the trains that connected Puerto Colombia with the river pier.


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