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Sonesta Hotel Barranquilla

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The Sonesta Hotel in Barranquilla has 126 rooms with first-class amenities, business center, restaurant, room service, 24-hour personal assistance service, internet service, gym and spa, swimming pool, and 2,600 square feet of meeting space. . The hotel is located 450 miles north of Bogotá overlooking the Caribbean Sea. The hotel offers the convenience of attached shopping malls, including a casino and the city's largest nightclub.



Street 106 # 50-11 Barranquilla



Horarios de atención:


The Sonesta Hotel Barranquilla is located near the center of Barranquilla, where the Magdalena River meets the Atlantic Ocean in the Caribbean Sea. Located about 450 kilometers north of Bogotá, Barranquilla known as the Golden Gate is the largest port city in Colombia. The city is served by the Ernesto Cortissoz International Airport (BAQ), the oldest and one of the most prestigious airports in South America. The hotel is connected to a new shopping center, casino and Coco Beach Club - The largest nightclub in the city.

Sonesta Hotel Barranquilla

106th Street #50-11
Barranquilla, Colombia
800.SONESTA (US & Canada) or 57.5.3856060


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